
Many of you might have known what a normal distribution is. If you do not know, please refer to the blog on a normal distribution. Here you will get learn how to use Microsoft Excel to find normal probabilities or critical values.

While making decisions using the Z test, we need to find the p-value. Finding a p-value is the same as finding normal probability for the given test statistic. To construct confidence intervals, we need to find critical values.

Microsoft Excel is the tool that is easily available on almost all laptops and computers nowadays. This tool is specially used to make calculations simpler.

Use of Microsoft excel to find normal probabilities

In hypothesis testing, we use the normal distribution to test the claim about population mean (µ) if we know population standard deviation (σ) in prior. In this situation, we use standard normal distribution or Z distribution hence we call it as Z test. While using the Z test we need to find the p-value for making decisions.

Before going to find normal probabilities using excel, let us understand some facts about excel.

There is a function in Microsoft excel called =NORMSDIST(z) to find standard normal probabilities while the function =NORM.DIST(x, µ, σ, #) gives normal distribution probabilities with mean µ and standard deviation σ. Both the functions give the left tailed-probabilities. Within this function, # denotes logical 0(FALSE) or 1(TRUE) value. Use logical 0(FALSE) if you need to find the height of the normal curve at X=x. Use logical 1(TRUE) if you need to find the cumulative probability at X=x.

How to call the function in excel?

There are three ways to call the function in an excel sheet. Below is the path for the function =NORMSDIST(z). Use the same path for functions =NORM.DIST(x, µ, σ, #).

  1. Simply select any cell in an excel sheet then type =NORMSDIST(z) then hit ENTER button.
  2. Click on the symbol of “Insert Function” present in the formula bar. 

    The new window of Insert Function will open. Then search for the function =NORMSDIST(z) in this window. 

  3. Go to the Formulas menu at the top. Then click on the Insert Function tab in this menu. 

    The new window of Insert Function will open. Then search for the function =NORMSDIST(z) in this window. 



Suppose X be a normal random variable with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 5. Find P(X < 17.8), P(X > 17.8).

The excel function =NORM.DIST(17.8, 10, 5, TRUE) gives the left-tailed normal probability below X=17.8 that is equal to, 0.94062. This gives, P(X < 17.8) = 0.94062.

 To get right-tailed probability above X=17.8, we use the function =1-NORM.DIST(17.8, 10, 5, TRUE). This gives, P(X > 17.8) = 0.05938.

Use of Microsoft excel to find critical values

While constructing a confidence interval, we need to find critical values. These critical values are Z scores corresponding to the given probability. Before going to find critical values using excel, let us understand some facts about excel.

There is a function in Microsoft excel called =NORMSINV(p) to find standard normal probabilities while the function =NORM.INV(p, µ, σ) gives normal distribution probabilities with mean µ and standard deviation σ. Both the functions take the left tailed probabilities p.

How to call the function in excel?

There are three ways to call the function in an excel sheet. Below is the path for the function =NORMSINV(p). Use the same path for functions =NORM.INV(p, µ, σ).

  1. Simply select any cell in an excel sheet then type =NORMSINV(p) then hit ENTER button.
  2. Click on the symbol of “Insert Function” present in the formula bar. 

    The new window of Insert Function will open. Then search for the function =NORMSINV(p) in this window. 

  3. Go to the Formulas menu at the top. Then click on the Insert Function tab in this menu. 

    The new window of Insert Function will open. Then search for the function =NORMSINV(p) in this window. 



Suppose you need to construct a 90% confidence interval for the population mean. Assume that you know the value of population standard deviation in prior. What is the critical value Z(α/2)?

 The confidence level for 90% confidence interval is, 0.90. This gives, significance level (α) = 1-C = 1-0.90 = 0.10. The left tailed probability to the desired critical value Z(α/2) is, 1-(α/2) = 1-(0.10/2) = 1-0.05 = 0.95.

Then the excel function =NORMSINV(0.95) gives the critical value Z(α/2) equals, 1.644854.